Video Upload

NOTE: This is a premium add-on feature that is not included with your ConveYour plan. If you are interested in adding the video upload feature - please contact us!

Occasionally, part of your training may involve your team developing a level of comfort communicating an idea, concept or pitch.

Other times you may want to ask team members to reflect on an experience, and share with you or the team via video recording.

In these cases, you can include the Video Upload feature as a lesson item you can add to your onboarding or training course.


  • practice initial contact with a client

  • respond to an experience, presentation, or lesson

  • practice sales pitch and upload it for review

Video Upload Setup

As part of a lesson, the Video Upload lesson item is configured as follows:

  • Add your prompt/question - if the learners are being evaluated, it’s helpful to let them know what the evaluation criteria will be

  • Optional: include core competencies around which you will evaluate the learner (click the X when no evaluation will be included as part of the lesson, to remove the core competencies)

  • Reviewing Users: Select team members who will be reviewing the video. If none are selected, no one will get pinged to review the video!